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YUrij Naumov nachal svoyu kar'eru dzhazovogo artista esche v 1980-h, vo vremya ucheby v meduchilische. Kogda ego zastavili ujti iz uchilischa, on provel neskol'ko let igraya v 'andegraunde', prezhde chem reshil uehat' v SSHA, na rodinu blyuza, chtoby nachat' snachala svoyu kar'eru. Aga, ya emu v bane, kogda on pechku kochegaril, sidya na kortochkakh, na yajtso nastupil derevyannym tapkom, narod ofigel, kogda uvidel, kak my vokrug bani begali golye, ya ot nego on za mnoj, v odnoj ruke yajtsa, v drugoj kocherga, davno eto bylo, - Kolya zasmeyalsya. Nosnarbo 28.04.16 01:03 comment6, Chity na gta 5 onlain ps3. I think the summer - the best time of year, because the heat around very nicely and we have a wonderful opportunity to relax. Summer - the time of. So wonderful time Not only because it’s the summer holidays, no. For me, summer is a little life. Beginning of something newSummer is a time of changes, the beginning and the end of something. Pisjmo drugu kak ya provel kanikuli na anglijskom.