Aim: The Hardy‐Rand‐Rittler (HRR) pseudoisochromatic test for colour vision is highly regarded but has long been out of print. Richmond Products produced a new edition in 2002 that has been re‐engineered to rectify shortcomings of the original test. This study is a validation trial of the new test using a larger sample and different criteria of evaluation from those of the previously reported validation study. Methods: The Richmond HRR test was given to 100 consecutively presenting patients with abnormal colour vision and 50 patients with normal colour vision. Colour vision was diagnosed using the Ishihara test, the Farnsworth D15 test, the Medmont C‐100 test and the Type 1 Nagel anomaloscope. Results: The Richmond HRR test has a sensitivity of 1.00 and a specificity of 0.975 when the criterion for failing is two or more errors with the screening plates. Sensitivity and specificity become 0.98 and 1.0, respectively, when the fail criterion is three or more errors.


Those with red‐green colour vision deficiency were correctly classified as protan or deutan on 86 per cent of occasions, with 11 per cent unclassified and three per cent incorrectly classified. All those graded as having a ‘mild’ defect by the Richmond HRR test passed the Farnsworth D15 test and had an anomaloscope range of 30 or less. Not all dichromats were classified as ‘strong’, which was one of the goals of the re‐engineering and those graded as ‘medium’ and ‘strong’ included dichromats and those who have a mild colour vision deficiency based on the results of the Farnsworth D15 test and the anomaloscope range.


Examiners shall certify at the time of designation, re-designation, or upon request that they possess (and maintain as necessary) the equipment specified. Standard Snellen Test. Types for visual acuity (both near and distant) and appropriate eye lane. FAA Form 8500-1, Near Vision Acuity Test Card may be used for near and intermediate vision.

Conclusions: The test is as good as the Ishihara test for detection of the red‐green colour vision deficiencies but unlike the Ishihara, also has plates for the detection of the tritan defects. Duma dum mast hai song download Its classification of protans and deutans is useful but the Medmont C‐100 test is better. Those graded as ‘mild’ by the Richmond HRR test can be regarded as having a mild colour vision defect but a ‘medium’ or ‘strong’ grading needs to be interpreted in conjunction with other tests such as the Farnsworth D15 and the anomaloscope.

The Richmond HRR test could be the test of choice for clinicians who wish to use a single test for colour vision. The HRR pseudoisochromatic test was developed by Hardy, Rand and Rittler, and was first published by the American Optical Company in 1955. It has been much loved by the cognoscenti of colour vision because it included plates to detect tritan colour vision deficiency, as well as the protan and deutan deficiencies and had a carefully designed set of plates to differentiate protan, deutan and tritan deficiencies and grade their severity. The HRR provided the clinician with more information than the Ishihara in a test that was just as easy to administer. The Ishihara test, renowned for its high sensitivity and excellent specificity for the detection of protan and deutan deficiencies, has no tritan plates and the number of errors made gives little indication of severity. - Moreover, its four protan‐deutan classification plates are not very reliable., A second edition of the HRR test was published in 1957, using material from the first print run but with a rearrangement of the order of the plates. No further editions were published by the American Optical Company and the test has not been available for many years.