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Remember there's a night mode switch in the top right of the header, and remember to read the rules. If you have any suggestions write them. CSS by About Nr Rules 1 Don't be rude 2 Don't spam or post non-related or non-helpful posts. 3 Don't be racist/sexist. 4 Any posts about Piracy is dying, over and ect.


Will be receiving a three day ban 5 Do not link any NSFW content 6 Almost all companies will use Denuvo, with some exceptions. 7 Under no circumstance, are you allowed to distribute or link any form of illegal software bypass 'crack' here on this subreddit 8 For archived posts go here 9 If you want to submit a post it should include more than 10 words, your account must be 20 days of age and has to have comment karma of at least 5. Also all posts with -2 karma will be auto deleted to prevent spam.

10 Breaking one of the above rules results in a warn (the first time) and a ban if you break them again. 11 No asking when will X game get cracked 12 If you can't wait for a game crack I recommend GOG Humble Bundle Steam Subreddit will not reopen for general use, you may view it. If you wish to post please visit.

I made the special snowflake mad!!!! Take your own advice first of all, if you're going to be all 'hurrdurr learn 2 crack yerself der bud' it's probably better to ask if i don't have the knowledge myself to debug or crack, which i have. Second of all, who the fuck is moaning about free games from 3dm? I hate that shitposting crock that calls itself a cracking group.

Third of all, if you're going to call someone who's literally nine years your senior a kid, you should probably not have literally posted somewhere your age, giving them the ability to refute the statement and prove that you're just projecting your own childish insecurities on others. Go smoke a joint you little twerp, you're teenage angst is showing. If you're going to attempt to grammar police, at least do it right you impudent swine. Both sentences you have quoted are grammatically correct when used in the full context of the statement, unlike you who seems to enjoy run off sentences and lack of proper comma's.

Anyone can make any statement sound grammatically incorrect when you only take two-thirds of the statement. Also yep, totally got the little teeny-bopper mad with my statement, only logical reasoning for telling ME to stop being a dick, when you literally are the one who came here and started being a fuckhead because you didn't like a post i wrote. How about this little one, lose your attempted alpha-as-fuck mentality cuz you're failing at it, pull up the big boy pants, stop shitposting and ragetrolling, and maybe JUST maybe i'll consider not telling your mommy to ground you;) Ps: 'you crack head,* and make a fucking crack(fucking would come after make;))' 'stop being a fucking dick,* and go back to school' • • • •. So they want us to pay 60 bugs for an remaked Farcry 4? Its the same engine graphic's and the same crafting system sure a few things are different but just look how fuckin lazy ubisoft is.

Same with Assassins Creed its allmost the same since Ac 3, just a new storyline and a few more combos and now they still do the same shit with farcry and try to soak the shit out of these games. It took just a year for the new farcry and ac gettin a new game every year too and now because they noticed alot of people dosnt fall for their shit anymore they need denuvo to get aleast a few more sold copies of farcry sad story ubisoft but hey ur games are boring as fuck no new idears what so ever • • •.

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