How to individualize learning for yourself, and your learners with tips from, editor-in-chief of MKSAP and IM Essentials, Vice President of Membership/International Programs at the American College of Physicians (ACP) and an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Masters schools us on work life balance, how to recognize and diagnose struggling learners, what resources to use, teaching exercises, and how to generate a study plan. Full show notes available at our mailing list and receive a PDF copy of our show notes every Monday. Rate us on, recommend a guest or topic and give feedback at. Teaching/Learning Pearls: • Advice to educators: Never stop being a student/learner yourself. • Advice to learners: Always try and think one step above your current level of training e.g.
What would you do if you were the sub-intern, resident, or attending? This mental exercise forces growth. • Work life balance: Important for wellness, but balance is probably the wrong word. Our personal lives must be INTEGRATED with our commitment to medicine. • Modern learners: Utilize technology e.g. Watch lectures at 1.5x speed.
They do questions first, then read/study to fill in gaps. Past learners read/studied first, then did questions to assess their knowledge/understanding. • Caution to learners: Using questions as a primary resource does not necessarily provide enough depth and breadth of knowledge!
Internal Medicine Clerkship Student Self-Study Program. Harrison's Online Cecil Essentials of Medicine Case number Chapter Title. DOWNLOAD PDF. A MERICAN C OLLEGE OF P HYSICIANS C LERKSHIP D IRECTORS IN I NTERNAL M EDICINE. Nternal Medicine Essentials for Clerkship Students is a collaborative project of the American College of Physicians (ACP) and the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM), the organization of individuals responsible for teaching internal.
Modern learners might miss some basic concepts not covered by questions. • Resources for studying Internal Medicine: Your peers don’t always know best. Ask your clerkship direct or program director! • Study plan for clerkship students: Pick a study guide (e.g.,,, etc.), coupled with clinical work (e.g. Teaching rounds in hospital/clinic), and a question bank (e.g. MKSAP, USMLE World, etc.).
Extra credit: Look ahead at resources used during 4th year, or residency e.g. ) • As a medical educator: One needs to know what resources exist for learners to help them make individualized recommendations based on a their needs. Watto recommends: Visit your medical library and ask the librarian what’s available for FREE! • Diagnose a learner’s deficiency and then formulate a specific treatment plan. • Teaching exercise: Have learner read a question stem or clinical vignette then ask them, “What are the key elements of the history?”, “What would be in your differential diagnosis?”.
Have learner practice this on their own as well. • Teaching exercise: Think out loud when connecting points in a history, and synthesizing information. Talk through your thought process and how it relates to your medical decision making. Don’t overemphasize facts. Learners need to develop mental frameworks and synthesize facts into useable information.
Castle zagyg yggsburgh pdf merge. The fourth was a level of crypts and undead. The second level had two unusual items, a nixie pool and a fountain of snakes. The sixth was a repeating maze with dozens of wild hogs (3 dice) in inconvenient spots, naturally backed up by appropriate numbers of wereboars. The third featured a torture chamber and many small cells and prison rooms. The fifth was centered around a strange font of black fire and gargoyles.
• Resources for educators: of books from ACP. Take advantage of courses, and mentorship available through societies, and colleges e.g. AAIM, SGIM, etc.
Goal: Listener will avoid common pitfalls as learners/educators, and develop better plans to successfully teach themselves, and others. Learning objectives: After listening to this episode listeners will • Recall common mistakes made by learners and teachers • Diagnose a learner’s key issue(s) • Identify key resources for learners • Recognize the strengths and limitations of multiple choice questions as a study aide • Develop effective study plans for struggling learners Disclosures: Dr. Masters is employed by the ACP who publishes MKSAP, and IM Essentials.
He reports no relevant financial disclosures. Matt, Stuart, and Paul are ACP members, but have no financial interest in the ACP. Time Stamps 00:00 Intro 01:50 Listener feedback 04:18 Announcements 04:58 Picks of the Week 10:37 Guest bio and credentials 12:36 Getting to know our guest 18:05 Wellness and work life balance 22:55 How medical education has changed 28:55 Choosing resources as a learner 38:00 Case of a struggling learner 41:50 Learners with knowledge deficits and the role of the clinician (non-professional educator) 47:56 Resources to improve your skills as a medical educator 51:01 Take home points Links from the show: • Books for productivity,, • • • • • • • • • • • • •.