-lekcii-po-tehnologii-mashinostroeniya-prezentaciya/ 2015-02-20T14:50:53+00:00. PPT HIDRAULIKA ZPB.F19.B2.G2.L Z U P A S T E P U M P E PPT HIDRAULIKA / G E A R P U M P S oznaka / designation tractor type rad. Zapremina / displacement:5,5 cm3 NO N ST AN DA RD (1627467) oznaka A / designation tractor type rad. Zapremina / displacement:13.33 + 2,66 cm3 NO N ST AN DA RD (3035078) IMT PPT HIDRAULIKA ZPB.F5.A39.H2.L.
Giyohvandlik va uning salbiy oqibatlari GIYOHVANDLIK ASR VABOSI GIYOHVANDLIK Giyohvandlik (Narkomaniya) – (yunoncha narke – karaxtlik va maniya – telbalik, jahl, shodhurramlik) narkotik va narkotik ta’sirga ega bo’lgan moddalarni iste’mol qilish natijasida kelib chiqadigan kasallik. Giyohvandlik giyohvand moddalarni doimo qabul qilish natijasida vujudga keladi, chunki ushbu hastalik bilan og’rigan kishining jismoniy va ruhiy holati humorini bosadigan tegishli narkotik modda iste’mol qilishga bog’liq. Narkomaniya organizmda chuqur uzgarishlarga sabab bo’ladi va uni tanazzulga olib keladi. Kasallik asta-sekin rivojlanib borib surunkali davom etadi.
Giyohvand moddaalrni bir bor qiziqish bilan iste’mol qilinganligi salbiy oqibatlarga olib keladi. Bu esa giyohvand degan nomga ega bo’lishidir.
Giyohvand moddalarni mukkasidan iste’mol qilinishi inson organizmini surunkali ravishda zaharlab borish deganidir. Buning natijasida organizmda ruhiy hamda jismoniy toliqish kuzatiladi.
Giyohvandlarning asosiy belgilari qo’yidagilar: o’ta qo’zg’aluvchan, harakat kordinatsiyasining buzilishi, qo’llarning qaltirashi, terlash, holsizlik. Aqliy hamda jismoniy qobiliyatning keskin tushib ketishi. Giyohvandlar tez orada o’z sog’ligidan hamda mehnat qobiliyatidan mahrum bo’ladilar. Keyingi paytda giyohvandlik bilan toksikomaniya rivojlanib bormoqda. Toksikomanlarning asosiy iste’mol vositalari-bu tinchlantiruvchi moddalar va ba’zi bir toksik ximiyaviy vositalardir. Ularni iste'mol qilish natijasida inson o’zgaradi, eyforiya holatiga tushadilar, oddiy so’z bilan aytganda, kayf qiladilar. Ba’zi bir holatlarda organizmning zaharlanishi, undan so’ng o’lim holatlari ham kuzatilmoqda.
Giyohvandlik hozirgi kunda yoshlar hayotiga xavf solayotgan jiddiy va global muammolarga aylanib qolmokda. Unga ruju qo’yish nafaqat yoshlar hayotiga xavf soladi, shuningdek, u ko’p davlatlarda terrorizm, qo’poruvchilik va boshqa salbiy oqibatlarga sabab bo’lyapti.
Title: Chapter 6: Aniseikonia 1 Chapter 6 Aniseikonia Definition Inter-ocular difference in magnification Type A All meridian magnification (no stereoscopic effects) associated with anisometropia. Type B Meridional Magnification (creates stereoscopic tilting plane illusion) created by ophthalmic corrections (i) horizontal meridional magnification (ii) vertical meridional magnification (iii) oblique axis meridional magnification (iv) meridional magnification that varies across the visual field 2 Examples of B-scan ultrasound images from two eyes of an anisometrope. Notice that the primary differences is axial length. Right Eye Left Eye All significant anisometripias are caused by inter-ocular differences in axial length and not optical power 3 Magnification Retinal image size can be easily estimated by tracing the undeviated nodal ray. Remember, for a focused image, all rays coincide at the image plane, thus any ray will give the same image size. The nodal ray is preferred because of ease since it is undeviated.
Sample letter completion drug treatment program free software and shareware. Nodal ray Emmetrope n However, if the image is not focused, then each ray arrives at a different retinal location (each forms a different part of the blur circle). In this case, we must use the Chief ray to determine image location since it forms the center of the blur circle. 4 Using the chief ray we can see that retinal image size is larger in uncorrected axially myopic eyes. Axial Myope Chief ray Emmetrope But what will happen when we correct the myopia? 5 Correcting ametropia with a spectacle lens Using the anterior focal point ray, the ray is parallel to the optical axis in the eyes image space.
By placing the correcting lens in the eyes anterior focal plane, the lenss undeviated nodal ray is the eyes anterior focal point ray. Thus, in the eye corrected with a spectacle lens placed at the anterior focal plane will have the same retinal image size as an emmetropic eye.
Axial Myope Emmetrope Fe, NL Graphic Demonstration of Knapps Law retinal image size is independent of level of ametropia when corrected at anterior focal plane 6 Correcting ametropia at corneal plane (contact lens, refractive surgery, orthokeratology) Corneal plane correction Chief ray Axial Myope Emmetrope This technique changes the optical power of the first and most significant refracting surface, in so doing, it changes the optical power of this surface, and thus changes the eyes nodal points, anterior focal point, principle planes etc. The only ray that is relative stable is the chief ray. We thus use the chief ray to assess image quality in this case. 7 Prediction based upon Knapps Law Anisometropes corrected with SL will have same size image in both eyes and thus no Aniseikona. This prediction is solely based upon optics, but of course axial ametropia is created by expanding the vitreal chamber and thus the area of the globe that the retina must cover. Knapps Law prediction (correct anisometropia with SL to avoid aniseikonia) does not work.