Contents • • • • • Structure and reactions [ ] The molecule has a bent structure. The superoxide anion, O − 2, and the hydroperoxyl radical exist in in: O − 2 + H 2O ⇌ HO 2 + OH − The of HO 2 is 4.88. The concentration of HO2 in the cytosol of a cell is calculated to be about 0.3%. It oxidizes to nitrogen dioxide: NO + HO 2 → NO 2 + HO Reactive oxygen species in biology [ ] Together with its, hydroperoxyl is an important. Unlike O − 2, which has reducing properties, HO 2 can act as an oxidant in a number of biologically important reactions, such as the abstraction of hydrogen atoms from and in the. As such, it may be an important initiator of.

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV, THV) is a homologue of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) having a propyl (3-carbon) side chain instead of a pentyl (5-carbon) group on the molecule, which makes it produce very different effects from THC.

Importance for atmospheric chemistry [ ] Gaseous hydroperoxyl is involved in reaction cycles that destroy stratospheric. It is also present in the troposphere, where it is essentially a byproduct of the oxidation of carbon monoxide and of by the radical. Because dielectric constant has a strong effect on p K a, and the dielectric constant of air is quite low, superoxide produced (photochemically) in the atmosphere is almost exclusively present as HO 2. As HO 2 is quite reactive, it acts as a 'cleanser' of the atmosphere by degrading certain organic pollutants. As such, the chemistry of HO 2 is of considerable geochemical importance. Nomenclature [ ] Hydroperoxyl is also known as superoxide.

References [ ]. 14 (4): 1041–1091. • ^ Heard, Dwayne E.; Pilling, Michael J. 'Measurement of OH and HO 2 in the Troposphere'.

Chemical Reviews. 103: 5163–5198. CS1 maint: Uses authors parameter () • Liskow, Dean H.; Schaefer, Henry F., III; Bender, Charles F. 'Geometry and electronic structureof the hydroperoxyl Radical'. Journal of the American Chemical Society. CS1 maint: Uses authors parameter () • De Grey, Aubrey D. 'HO 2: The Forgotten Radical'.

DNA and Cell Biology. 21: 251–257. CS1 maint: Uses authors parameter () •. Glossary of Meteorology. American Meteorological Society. 25 April 2012. Retrieved 22 August 2013.

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