Florian poddelka biography

For those who don't know. Florian Podellka is the stage name of a boy model with quite a following both amongst preteens and adults attracted to boys. He is almost always photographed in speedo type swimsuits, tight fitting underwear including thongs and various other tight fitting outfits. In general these images are legal in most places although not always as laws are getting increasingly restrictive essentially saying 'if it arouses you.its porn) Florian is not beleived to have ever modeled in the nude or in an overtly sexual context, however 'Photoshop' manipulations have made the rounds that portray him as naked and in an aroused state.

His people have taken quick action to have them taken down. Some are quite convincing.

Is Florian Poddelka's modelling always legal? However 'Photoshop' manipulations have made the rounds that portray him as naked and in an aroused state. Florian Poddelka is an underage male. View and follow Florian Poddelka (floriankevin)'s photos and videos on Photobucket.

Even though fake it would of course be illegal in most places to download or possess these images.

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